Saturday, 21 April 2007

Moving house

The boxes have been arriving non stop since 7 this morning. Men with big feet and a pittance of patience all wanting different permutations on the tea theme -- one sugar, two, coffee, white no sugar. Feel could after all get a job at Costa down the road which is a good thing to fall back on since my last job-finding attempt failed spectacularly. Something about eye contact, no doubt, and misinformation and contracts not being properly drawn up. That kind of thing every happen to any of you? My good friend urbanchick is just down the road. And my new neighbours here at Purplecoo seem a jolly bunch. All wine and chocolates as far as I can tell. Which suits me just fine. As long as it Green and Blacks, and dry and chilled. When you've got your own boxes unpacked come on over and see the house all white and waiting, before I get any pictures up, before I've cluttered the place up with my bits and bobs and tags and counters and links. We'll have a drink. You choose -- the kettle or the corkscrew.


Suffolkmum said...

Corkscrew please. Why can't I find you on the main purplecoo site? Are you not 'linked' yet? Had no idea you were around until I just saw your message on mine. Fab to be here with everyone, I had quite a drama getting on here, and was feeling very left out and sulky. x

Eden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eden said...

(whoops meant to edit not delete.)Corkscrew coming up. Not linked in yet but the hard working Mr westerwitch is working at it I think. did you go to Urbanchick's site? she's v. entertaining.

Urban Chick said...

blast! i meant to be your first commenter!

she who hesitates...

hi and welcome - i'm so glad you've joined us in the wider blogosphere


Elizabeth Musgrave said...

All my favourite people are arriving! so glad you are here.

countrymousie said...

Hi its me - Ive found you at last - I keep peeking in doors - hoping, hoping. Well done - I cant get used to the smartness of this site and it seems very quick. I think we will be OK here - it seems safe and kind.
I had several false starts, and a couple of refusals, but I kicked the horse aside and I am here - in the pink!!

Kitty said...

Glad I've found you here! Isn't this lovely? We get to choose our colours and everything. How perfect.

muddyboots said...

huray huray huray your here, great to have you on board!

lixtroll said...

Eden!!!! You are here, how wonderful to have found you. Enjoy unpacking your bags then have a good explore around the new Stately Home, some of the blogsites being set up are phenomenal! There's a whole mine of extraordinary talent here, I think you will feel well at home. Time to relax and put your feet up and do some great blogging.

@themill said...

Eden, so glad to have found you. This moving house business is quite fun, if a little taxing on the brain. Have been reading UC for a while and had no idea she was a friend of yours!

Frances said...

Good evening from New York, Eden.
Is this not amazing that westerwitch and co. could get this going for us all so quickly?
I won't say more now, because I am still a bit in awe of the entire process, and have much to learn about how to make the most of this new neighborhood. But I do really like it!
Best wishes,

tumbling said...

Eden - I can't believe it. Welcome to this rough and ready neigbourhood !! My book I've been working on for years - already completed , but am going back and adding much more depth. I look forward each day to seeing what is going to happoen next; but don't always manage to sit myself down . It's the complete opposite of Harry Potter, but that sort of thing. Oh yes.

Un Peu Loufoque said...

No I think the packers packed the corkscrew when I wasn't looking.
Hang on, Mme Grognonne has opened the bottle with her teeth, well done!

Faith said...

Hello Eden, glad to see you here. I hope you got my message on that other place. I won't go on about it now we are here but again, in case you didnt know, I wanted you to win. Would have been happy if others won, but you were my personal tip-top favourite; although had plenty of other faves too. I think I have made a blog but I'm not listed yet. I don't think I will be doing much bloggin or reading but didnt want anyone to think I wasnt totally on the side of all the regular bloggers and totally disgusted at the unfair treatment. Have a good weekend. x

annakarenin said...

Excellent start I see, would have sooo missed not being able to read your stuff. Think I prefer a corkscrew but will hang on an hour for the sake of decency!!

Woozle1967 said...

Hi de hi campers! Am trying hard to sort myself out...........x

Un Peu Loufoque said...

Eden tried to comment on your freind urban chicki and it wouldnt let me tellher I htought it was good adn I agree re pilots and stewardesses will you please!

Urban Chick said...

hello, un peu!

oh no - sorry you had trouble commenting

i have word verification on my blog: did you have problems with that? sometimes i have to have 2-3 attempts before i get it right

anyway, thanks for popping over

i'm enjoying visiting all your new blogs!


Un Peu Loufoque said...

There you are Eden I have been looking for you, it is so exhausting trying to remember who i have read and work out who I have missed when the list jumps up and down the wholetime! I shall have to keep a list!

CAMILLA said...

Dearest Eden, I have found you, was getting anxious as to where you were, so pleased. Looking forward to reading your wonderful blogs, dear Matron has said we wont be able to post blogs at the moment, due to overloading on site, but at least we can for the time being comment. Warm Wishes.

Anonymous said...

Cead mile Failte [Hundred thousand welcomes], once you have hit the duster on a few things, re-decorated [God bless the customise area] and have caught your breath, we are looking forward to more of your fabulous talent. Absolutely thrilled you got here. It's a journey that takes doing, but Oh! Boy is the view wonderful - even from the bedroom window let alone the kitchen one! Picture on my blog is of Fenit beach, Co Kerry looking over to the Sliabh Mish mts. Bye now everyone who knows me will have guess I have Kerry blood in me, it is my soul home as well. Just off to see can I find a B&G box containing many bars of choccy! The picture at the end of the Blog is Smerwick out on Dingle Peninsula. Wouldn't I just love if it was the view from my kitchen window!